Queue in java
Queue in java

queue in java

Invoking and Instantiating the Generic Queue Throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot dequeue - Queue is empty") Peak method returns the value of the front node. The count variable in incremented or decremented for enqueue and dequeue operations respectively and the size method returns the count.

queue in java

If the next node in the queue is null, i.e, you have dequeued the last element, then set rear to null.Change the front node to the next node in the queue ( front = you add elements to a queue that is not empty, first you have to set the next node pointer of the last element in the queue(i.e, to point to the new node and then change the rear variable to contain the new node. To add an element to the empty queue, you create a new node and then set the front and rear variables to that new node. When the queue is empty, front and rear are null. rear - contains the last element of the queue.front - contains the first element of the queue.count - maintains the count of elements in the queue.The following private variables are defined in the LinkedQueue class. A node contains the data and a pointer to the next node/element in the queue. The LinkedQueue class contains a sub class Node which represents each element or node of the queue. The following LinkedQueue class is a generic class implemention of a queue that holds elements of type E. Size - Return the number of elements in the queue.Peak - Get the first element of the queue without removing it.Dequeue - Remove elements from the front of the queue.Enqueue - Insert elements to the back of the queue.Some of the basic operations you can perform on a queue are: Elements are removed from the front of the queue and inserted to the rear of the queue.When a queue is empty, the front and rear pointers point to null.The front pointer points to the first element in the queue and rear pointer points to the last element of the queue. The queue maintains two pointers - front and rear.A node consists of a value and a pointer to the next node in the queue. The elements of a queue are stored in Nodes.The following are the key feature and characteristics of a queue that is implemented using linked list. Features & Characteristics of a Linked Queue A generic queue can hold elements of any non-primitive data type such as Strings, Arrays, classes and interfaces. This article explains implementing a generic queue in Java using a linked list. You can implement a Queue data structure in Java either using arrays or using linked lists. This method of adding and removing elements is known as First In First Out (FIFO). Elements are added to one end of the queue, also known as the back of the queue, and come out through the other end, which is the front (or top) of the queue. In data structures, a queue is a collection of elements arranged in a sequence where each element is linked to its previous and next element.

Queue in java